- Caisse populaire Trillium
- Canada Post Corporation
- Canadia Air Transport Security Authority
- Canadian Children’s Museum
- Canadian Commercial Corporation
- Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency
- Canadian Intellectual Property Office
- Canadian International Development Agency
- Centraide- UnitedWay of Greater Montreal
- Centre Pauline-Charron
- Communications Security Establishment
- Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions
- Customs and Revenue Agency of Canada
- Environment Canada
- Fédération des Caisses populaires de l’Ontario
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Foreign affairs and International Trade
- Health Canada
- Indian Affairs and Northern Development
- Justice Canada
- La Cité collégiale
- Montfort Hospital Foundation
- National Library and Archive Canada
- National Research Council
- Natural Resources Canada
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
- Office of the Auditor General
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada